Local Businesses & Services
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Local businesses or services in, or serving Ryder Lake, arranged by category, and then alphabetically by company name.
Categories - services and products.
General Assistance & Help
Accommodations & Real Estate
Arts & Crafts
Automotive & Mechanical
Business Services
Farm & Garden
Food & Beverage
Handyman & Maintenance
Health & Beauty
Personal Services & Babysitting
Safety & Security
Trades & Construction
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contact ryderlakeinfo@gmail.com with any questions.
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Accommodations & Real Estate
Chris Gale Real Estate
Chris Gale
6090 Ross Road
Ryder Lake local here to help with all your Real Estate needs
Accomodations & Real Estate
Bob and Charity Stobbe
6049910508 call / 6047918811 text
5100 Solway Road
We have a Bed and Breakfast named Camelot on AirBnB.
Accomodations & Real Estate
Homelife Advantage Realty Ltd
Hanne Selby
8387 Young Road Chilliwack B.C.
34 years of knowledge, Experience and Advise you can Trust. If you have any Real Estate questions , just give me a call, I am more then happy to help you.
Arts & Crafts
Autumn Leaf Pottery
Kathy Johnstone
49451 Voight Road
Autumn Leaf Pottery offers a variety of handmade functional pottery for your everyday use and enjoyment.
Business Services
Helen Harrington Bookkeeping Services
Helen Harrington
604 858 0058
I offer friendly and professional full service bookkeeping fit small to medium size businesses throughout the Fraser Valley
Farm & Gardens
C Joy Farm
Bob and Charity Stobbe
6049910508 call / 6047918811 text
5100 Solway Road
We sell fainting goats in Spring and do educational/forest field trips. Floral bouquets in summer
Farm & Gardens
The Valley Permaculture Guild Nursery
Peter Whitlock
604 799 5900
47644 Forester Road
Plants are donated and are sold by donation. The funds raised by the nursery all go to cover the insurance cost of running the Guild’s backyard fruit gleaning programme.
Farm & Gardens
Tradition Christmas Trees
Glen & Kathy
49451 Voight Rd, Chilliwack, BC V4Z 1E9, Canada
Seasonal Christmas tree farm
Health & Beauty
Kelly Maydiniuk
Sherlaw Rd
DIY Gel Nail Application
Health & Beauty
Mary Kay Cosmetics
Kelly Maydiniuk
Sherlaw Rd
I teach skin care regimes and colour cosmetics application
Health & Beauty
The Traveling Beautician Co.
Kelly Clayton
50144 Lookout Road
I offer mobile spa treatments in the comfort of your home. Coming up to 5 years operating. Offering - lash extensions, facials, massage, manicures and pedicures, waxing/tinting. Also offer Lash Artist certification for those that want to start their own business.
Personal Services & Babysitting
Tutoring Service
Charity Stobbe
6049910508 call / 6047918811 text
5100 Solway Road
Qualified teacher tutoring Kindergarten to Grade Two.
Trades & Construction
DC Machine
Donna Lawrence
43833 Progress Way
Manual & CNC Machining - Gear & Spline Cutting - Welding & Fabrication - Custom Drawing & Design - Grinding - Repairs
Trades & Construction
Eastern Valley Electric Ltd.
Andrew Morgan
PO Box 1043 Vedder Crossing V2R 3N7
Trades & Construction
Master Painting and Renovations
#4 8465 Harvard Place
We are a local company specializing in kitchen and bathroom renovations and interior and exterior painting. 25 year experience and a fantastic reputation in the community.
Trades & Construction
Ryder Lake Contracting Inc.
Tim Lawrence
5480 Churchill Parkway
Home Renovations, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Secondary Suites, Flooring, Shops, Barns, Decks