Ryder Lake Women's Institute
The Ryder Lake Women's Institute (RLWI) is a member branch of the BC Women's Institute and was incorporated as a society in 1934.
Women’s Institutes are active across Canada and throughout the world, originating in Ontario in 1897. All BC members are also part of the National and International organizations. For more information visit the BCWI website.
For those interested in history, check out this article "79 Years of Serving Home and Country" by Bea Mazurenko from British Columbia Heritage, Fall 2014, pp.10-18.
Flipbook of 1951 Ryder Lake History.
Contact rlwiinfo@gmail.com for more information or download a membership application.
Membership fees can be paid by e-transfer to rlwitreasurer@gmail.com.
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/RyderLakeWomensInstitute